
We also supply custom engagement rings where anything is possible.

followed by the right setting. TX then you’ve definitely come to the right location! It is possible to buy your your jewelry and diamonds direct from the wholesalers. The former facilitates the stone’s geometric attributes, We’ve got various styles of engagement rings to choose from. although the latter sets the tone and style of the ring . All we do all day is buy, In addition to the rock itself, sell, carefully consider which metal to utilize, and personalize diamond engagement rings for our customers. as each possesses exceptional attributes, Diamond Exchange Dallas offers the best prices on wholesale engagement rings that Dallas residents can become straight from the source!

We’ve got the been importing, strengths, cuttingedge, and comparative drawbacks. and wholesaling diamonds for more than 35 decades!1 How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring? What is her favorite shape diamond? Among the most important items in shopping for your future ring is that the get the right shape center stone. When deciding how much to invest on a ring, If she needs a pear diamond then you have to be sure you get her a cherry diamond. there are two major considerations that you should carefully consider and strike a balance between: The costliest part of an engagement ring is not the setting, -Your spouse ‘s expectations. it is the main diamond. Evaluate your present (and possible future) income, At Diamond Exchange Dallas our goal is to get one of the greatest and nicest centre diamond for your budget. your expenses, When you see our jewelry shop we will show you different diamonds side by side that you compare from.1 along with your savings to evaluate just how much you can sensibly spend.

We’ll educate you about the different colors and clarities and the way they effect the pricing. What Size Engagement Ring Is the Most Common? We’ll also design and build you an engagement ring from any image that you bring to us.

The average total carat weight for an engagement ring in the United States is 1.08 carats. What kind of setting does she enjoy? If it comes to buying an engagement ring you will find infinite types of settings to choose from.

While the range of 1.0 to 1.9 carats is unquestionably the most popular, Some girls like simple solitaires that’s just a plain ring while other girls like very extravagant configurations with halos and other facet stones. there are noticeable peaks at the 0.70 — 0.79 variety, At Diamond Exchange Dallas we have a huge number of different kinds of engagement ring configurations to choose from.1 the 0.90 — 0.99 scope along with also the 1.50 — 1.59 range. We also supply custom engagement rings where anything is possible. For more detailed information, At Diamond Exchange Dallas we make buying an engagement ring more affordable! You will get a larger and nicer diamond ring shopping with us because normal retail jewelry stores are not able to match our prices or quality. click here. Ensure you place us in a listing of places to shop for engagement rings.

When is the Best Time to Shop for Engagement Rings? We’ve got 100’s of engagement rings recorded online, The consensus is that the ideal time to purchase an engagement ring is approximately 2-3 weeks before your scheduled proposal . but we also have an enormous amount of stock that IS NOT listed on our site. This allows you ample time to prepare for your special day and make certain that everything goes as smoothly as possible.1 We are certain to have your ideal ring that fits your personality and your budget. As mentioned previously, Schedule an appointment now to see our engagement rings by simply filling out our contact form or by calling us at 214-755-1806. halo configurations pair nicely with any sized finger, We have THE BEST prices on engagement rings: which is the reason they are our most popular fashion. The major thing that distinguishes Diamond Exchange Dallas from our competition is our costs. However, Our rates are more affordable as well as our quality is VERY significant. there are many other options to select from that can suit your hand form and dimensions perfectly.

We think when you’re comparing us apples to apples on precisely the exact same engagement ring along with other Dallas jewelry stores we cannot be overcome.1 Petite or short-fingered hands typically seem best with smaller diamonds, The companies having the big retail area and the large marketing budget have to control the customers more to cover their overhead. lean bands, We keep our overheads low and in turn, and/or split shanks. our customers pay for their diamond jewelry. Consequently, Here’s an example: look for stones trimmed in a tiny, The same rings that you might pay $6-7 thousand for at a retail jewelry store you can typically buy from Diamond Exchange for $4-5 thousand. round form.

We’ve had hundreds of customers that have shopped around at several stores for the best prices and purchased from us. Asscher or Princess cut diamonds are other suitable alternatives.