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Learn What Spiritual Malady Is And The Role It Plays In Your Recovery

The practice of Christian Meditation offers a remedy to the spiritual malady. When we enter the silence with discipline and perseverance, we make space for  the living presence of God to heal us from the inside out. This resistance to anything spiritual is the biggest obstacle some addicts confront. To beat their addiction, people must face the reality that there is indeed a power larger than themselves.

I was a poster child for Alcoholics Anonymous. Then I realized I’m not an alcoholic. –

I was a poster child for Alcoholics Anonymous. Then I realized I’m not an alcoholic..

Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 08:00:00 GMT [source]

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Selfishness and self -centeredness is the root of my trouble. My troubles are of my own making and arise out my living a life run on self-will. I must be God centered instead of self centered and God directed rather than self directed . The specific directions in the first 102 pages of the book  Alcoholic Anonymous. Doing so will give you a better idea of how a spiritual malady affects an alcoholic. Spiritual malady can trigger feelings of irritability, restlessness, and discontentedness.

A Spiritual Inventory

  • Am I regularly seeking out the truth in God’s Word?
  • A really effective tool for building that list is to ask ourselves questions.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous bases the 12-step program on 12 affirmations, or what they call 12 traditions.
  • Fear and resentment dominated my thoughts and I made decisions based on self which caused me harm and harmed others.
  • But alcoholics have an “allergy” to alcohol, so for them, a couple beers turns into a world of hurt.

Below is an overview of the 12 admissions that support the 12 steps toward recovery. Some speak of how hollow they feel on the inside. Also, they cannot fathom how other people manage to deal with crises in life – even when they have it worse. To prepare us to take an honest inventory of ourselves, let’s take a look at two verses.

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We became selfish and self-seeking, ever thirsting for more, and this lust warped us on every level. But we were never satisfied, because but the living presence of God can quench our parched souls. Alcoholics Anonymous bases the 12-step program on 12 affirmations, or what they call 12 traditions. These expressions that help people recovering from addiction regain a spiritual footing once again. However, that does not mean addicts are confronting this spiritual ailment by themselves.

  • Do I hold resentment against anyone in my family?
  • Same thing with food—especially this time of year.
  • The overall sensation can feel like crawling out of your own skin.
  • There is no church you must attend or strict practices you must adhere to in organized worship of said higher power, it is a completely individual and personal experience.
  • The same holds true for identifying what a relationship with God or the Higher Power is like.
  • Following this program will cause them to feel less alone or closed off from the messages of life, thus relieving them from the burden of isolation.

Final Thoughts on Living the Spiritual Life and Recovery

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Spirituality is the aspect of recovery that I think most often gets overlooked. Some of us are very comfortable embracing spirituality, but for others, it feels weird or uncomfortable. I became convinced that I was depressed because spiritual malady of my early life in foster care. Going into therapy seemed like a better alternative than getting a sponsor and working the steps. I was unable to be honest in therapy and continued blaming my childhood for my problems.

Lousiburg 12 Step Group

This is why 12-step organizations believe it is not possible to conquer alcoholism using willpower alone. I really like the analogy that the physical part of our disease is an “allergy of the body”. Because its exactly like allergies; For example, some people can rub their face in a cat’s fur and it doesn’t bother them a bit. (Although I’m not sure who would ever want to do that!)  But for me, I’m allergic to cats and if I did that I’d be in a world of hurt. Same thing with alcohol; some people can have a couple beers, no problem. But alcoholics have an “allergy” to alcohol, so for them, a couple beers turns into a world of hurt.

  • After so many years of relapse, I now accepted that I was suffering from a “hopeless condition of mind and body.” (BB p.20).
  • As much as it depends on us, we need to live at peace with our families.
  • However, no one is required to be a Christian to attend CR.

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  • This spiritual malady is the restless spirit, the soul sickness that if left untreated will begin to ooze symptoms of emotional insecurity worry, anger, self-pity, and depression, even if we have been sober for years.
  • Except unlike burning our house down, we can’t go find a new body to live in if we destroy the one God gave us.
  • I survived thirteen years as a mostly dry and yet untreated alcoholic.
  • What is the “elephant” in the middle of your family’s living room that everyone knows but no one talks about?
  • I remember my wife Deb coming home from her first Overeater’s Anonymous meeting.